Tribal Criminal Jurisdiction Over Non-Indians:
Violence Against Women Reauthorization Act of 2022
Philosophy on how we work with Tribal Nations:
We recognize Tribal communities themselves are the source of cultural knowledge and legal authority through leaders, elders, and culture-bearers.
We believe that Tribal communities should control the design and form of their laws and the enhancement of their governmental institutions.
We believe that Tribal laws should be developed through a representative and inclusive community-based process.
We commit to designing “do-it-yourself” tools that can be tailored for the needs of particular Tribal communities rather than a “one size fits all” approach.
We commit to identifying and working with local consultants and those with expertise in the targeted communities.
We commit to working with those organizations that are willing to be accountable to Tribal nations and that support our mission.
We commit to making resources readily available in a variety of formats at the lowest cost possible.
View all Tribal Law and Policy Institute's Philosophies here: