Tribal Criminal Jurisdiction Over Non-Indians:
Violence Against Women Reauthorization Act of 2022
Resources: Law Enforcement
Implementation of the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) 2013 and VAWA 2022 may require changes in law enforcement policies and procedures. Training for law enforcement officers will be an important part of implementation.
Resources, Tribal Law and Policy Institute
Second Facilitated Discussion: Assault of Tribal Justice Personnel and Obstruction of Justice: Second Facilitated Discussion Recording (YouTube) and Second Facilitated Discussion PowerPoint (PDF)
Tribal Law Enforcement Protocol Guide: Sexual Assault
This publication is a tool for improving the investigation of sexual assault crimes through the development of an internal protocol for law enforcement, and includes a model sexual assault protocol. Effective investigations increase the likelihood of victim participation and increase the probability of convictions in tribal, state, and/or federal courts. A law enforcement protocol can enhance the efforts of all community agencies in addressing sexual violence. (2008) This publication was developed in partnership with the Southwest Center for Law and Policy.
Please note that this code resource has not yet been updated to reflect VAWA 2022
Resources, generally
Checklist for Law Enforcement Officers
Investigating non-Indian Domestic Violence Against An Indian
ITWG Code Development Checklist, National Congress of American Indians
This checklist is designed as a tool to assist tribal governments seeking to develop tribal codes that implement Special Domestic Violence Criminal Jurisdiction (SDVCJ) over all persons with their jurisdiction. This is not a definitive guide to SDVCJ full implementation requirements but is intended as aid to drafting tribal codes that comply with federal law (2014).
Stalking Response Model Policy for Law Enforcement
This resource is a descriptive model policy of best practices for the effective law enforcement response to and investigation of stalking. This model policy can be adapted to meet the specific needs of any agency.
A Desktop Guide for Tribal Probation Personnel: The Screening and Assessment Process
This guide is intended to provide tribal probation personnel with information on how the screening and assessment process can facilitate and promote offender accountability and long-term behavior change.
A Tribal Probation Officer's Guide to Working with Victims
The work of tribal probation officers (TPOs) is essential in promoting individual and community safety. Victims and survivors are members of the tribal community whose lives are often irrevocably harmed and changed by crime. They are often called upon as witnesses for tribal and criminal justice proceedings, and can sometimes provide important information that is useful to both the case and to effective offender supervision in the community.